Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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238 lines
- Two-in-One english help text
- 13.05.94
#H General
Two-in-One is an archive utility and provides 2 major functions:
GEM Shell: Easy processing of archive files using two file
directory windows. The following archive formats are currently
supported: LZH, ZIP, ARC, ARJ and ZOO.
Archive management: Most alternative desktops support the passing
of one or more files directly to a command line. Two-in-One
handles such files directly without displaying its GEM interface.
All files are handled by the default archive format using the
specified settings in the GEM Shell.
#H General settings
"Default archiver":
The packer that ought to be used for the packing of files.
"No multitasking":
Surpresses the parallel starting of archivers under MultiTOS
and MAG!X.
#H Config GEM shell
"Dialogs in windows":
Displays all dialogs belonging to the shell in windows,
rather than just the main dialog box.
"Save coordinates of main dialog":
Causes the main dialog to appear in the same position as
before the next time that the program is started.
"Start VD-Quick after unpacking":
Automatically start VD-QUICK.TTP to check un-archived files
for link viruses.
"Confirmations required for":
Do you want warning-dialogs to appear (including KOBOLD)?
"Use KOBOLD for":
Should the KOBOLD be used for the copying or deleting of files?
#H Config manager
"Call only when <Shift>-key is pressed":
Starts the GEM shell even when a command line is used and only
calls the manager when the <SHIFT> key is pressed.
"Pack: Create single archives":
Each file passed to Two-in-One is archived seperately.
"Unpack: Always create collective folder":
A collective folder, with the same name as the archive, is
created into which each file is archived.
"Un-/pack always to this folder:":
All files will be packed or unpacked into this directory,
regardless of the path in which the archive lies. To remove the
entry, simply click on 'Cancel' in the file selector.
#H LHARC options
Use this screen to set the desired options for LHARC and the path
and filename of the program.
#H Programs
Two-in-One can call various external programs to perform archive
associated tasks. The individual programs are:
"Viewer": Any program can be used to view selected files.
Naturally the choice of program determines which files can be
viewed. It's also possible to call an accessory program which
supports the VA_START protocol. 1st View is a good choice because
it supports the VA_START protocol and can view many text and
graphic file formats.
"ZIP2TOS": Converts ZIP archives into self-extracting archives.
#W Additional programs
"SFXPAK": Convert LZH archives into self-extracting archives.
"PFXPAK": Used to convert executable files into auto-extracting
and auto-executing archives.
"UUEncode/UUDecode": Converts binary files to ASCII format and
vice versa. Used primarily for data transfer over networks which
do not support binary file transfer.
#H Main dialog
Buttons "Archive":
Either creates a new archive or opens an existing archive. At
the moment Two-in-One can only handle a single archive so if an
archive is already open it is automatically closed.
Popup "Add, Freshen, Update and Move" or "Extract and Test":
Select the desired option and click on the action button <F1>
to start. The direction of the arrow on this button depends on
the files selected. Pressing the <SHIFT> key whilst selecting
the action button displays a dialog containing the currently
active options for the selected archive type in a command line.
The options for this call (and this call only) can be manually
edited (so called 'Quick Access').
Option "Encryption":
Enables a password to be added to ZIP and LZH archives. A dialog
appears into which the password can be entered.
#W Main dialog
Option (text changes):
De/activate first archiver-option.
Popup "Action...":
One or more selected files can be manipulated using the selected
external program.
Button "Copy":
Copies the selected files. You have to instal the accessory
KOBOLD to use this function. Selecting this button while
pressing <CONTROL> will move the selected files.
Buttons "Folder":
Creates a new folder. This function can also be used from within
ZIP and LZH Archives.
Button "Delete":
Deletes all selected folders/files.
#H Directory window
A Double click on a folder will open it and display its contents.
A double click on a supported archive file type will open the
archive and a double click on any other file type will display an
Info dialog for the file. If during a double click on a supported
archive file type the <SHIFT> key is held down the archive
contents will automatically be selected.
If the file extender is a supported archive file type Two-in-One
displays the archive with a preceding '-'. The actual archive
contents are not examined at this stage.
A single right click can be used to select a single file. Any
other selected files are de-selected. A single right click on a
folder opens the folder and displays its contents.
#W Directory window
The available disk drives and partitions of the left hand direc-
tory window can be selected using the <ALTERNATE>+<Letter> or
simply <Letter> keyboard combination. Similarly the available
disk drives of the right hand selection window can be selected
using the <SHIFT>+<ALTERNATE>+<Letter> keyboard combination.
A single click on a directory window title bar either re-reads
the current directory or displays an archive Info dialog.
In the Path Pop-up (under the title bar) up to five desired paths
can be stored. To store the current path entry in the Pop-up,
click on the desired slot while pressing <SHIFT>. To clear a
slot, click on it while pressing <CONTROL>. The first entry will
also be used as default directorys for the selection windows when
Two-in-One is started.
#H Keyboard layout
<A>-<Z> Left window drive select (also <ALT><A>-<Z>)
<Shift><A>-<Z> Right window drive select (also <ALT><SHIFT>+...)
<F1> Pack/Unpack start. The GO button
<Shift><F1> 'Quick-access' to archiver options
<F2> Open archive functions pop-up
<F3> Set and enter password protect
<F4> De/activate first archiver option
<F6> Open 'Action...' pop-up
#W Keyboard layout
<F7> Copy files
<Control><F7> Move files
<F8> Create folder in the left directory window
<Shift><F8> Create folder in the right directory window
<F9> Delete selected folders/files
<F10> Create/load new archive in left directory window
<Shift><F10> Create/load new archive in right directory window
<ESC> Re-read left directory window (like the desktop)
<Shift><ESC> Re-read right directory window
<Undo> MultiTOS only: Iconify/Uniconify
#H Menu "File"
The selected file is passed to the external viewer, as defined
in the 'Programs' option from the 'Options' drop down menu.
Accessories which support the VA_START protocol can be called.
Displays specific Infomation for the selected file.
Quit Two-In-One and return to the desktop.
#H Menu "Left/Right"
"Select all":
Selects (or d